Frequently Asked Questions
Who runs the keren chessed?
The Keren Chessed has been run for over thirty years by hardworking, committed volunteers from Bet Knesset Mitzpe Ramot, aided by Michya La'Achim of Bet Knesset Ramatayim Tzofim, together with volunteers from the broader Ramot B community.
Does the Keren chessed have non-profit status?
Yes, the Keren Chessed is a non-profit organization (“Amuta”) through Bet Knesset Mitzpe Ramot. It is recognized for tax relief purposes by the Israel Tax Authority, in accordance with Section 46 of the Income Tax Ordinance.
Will I get a tax deduction?
Yes, you will. Local Israeli donors who pay tax in Israel are eligible to receive a tax refund on their donation.
If you need a receipt for US tax purposes, you can donate through PEF Israel Endowment Funds in the US.
STEPS TO DONATE FROM THE US (if you wish to receive a receipt for tax purposes):
Click to donate at this link.
Then, please send an email to to let us know you have made this donation.
Who does the keren chessed help?
The Keren Chessed helps around 100 needy families living in Ramot B, Jerusalem. Each family is interviewed and goes through a rigorous, but sensitive process to assess their eligibility to receive help.
What services are provided?
The Keren Chessed distributes food vouchers 8 times a year, before each chag and once during the summer.
In addition, we help pay electricity, gas, and water bills. We help with rent, medical and dental expenses, legal fees, hachnasat Kallah, and psychological counseling.
We buy electrical appliances, furniture, blankets, and school supplies for needy families in our Ramot Bet neighborhood.
We do much more, on a per-need basis.
What percentage of my donation will actually go to needy families?
We operate without any overhead. Therefore, 100% of your donation will go to these families.
How can I get involved?
We would love to involve more volunteers. Send us a message at our email address below.